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Store Product Submission :: Step Two

Store Product Submission :: Step Two

Tell us about the product you’re ready to feature in the Buy Nebraska Retail Store and specify the online platforms where you’d like it to be listed. ✨ **Reminder:** You can save your progress and return later to complete this form. Just click the **”Save & Return”** button at the bottom.

"*" indicates required fields

Which online platforms do you want to sell your product on?*
Please select all platforms you desire your product to be listed on.
Which category does your product fall?*
How much do you need back from each unit sold?
What price do you recommend selling this product at?
Does your product come in a case?*
Do you have a UPC for this product?*
This is a 12 digit GS1 issued code used to scan products.
Please list your UPC with NO spaces
Is your product perishable?*
Does this product require special care when shipping in extreme weather?*
i.e. chocolate that will melt, items that need refrigeration, wax product that will melt, etc.
Does this product line have different flavors?*
Does this product line have different scents?*
Please provide as much information as possible for us. This will help us to best sell your product. How do you best describe this product, what are the key selling points of your item? What differentiates your product over your competitors?
What kind of packaging does your product come in?*
Is your product Certified Gluten Free Or Certified Organic?*
Please upload your certified gluten free paperwork and/or your certified organic paperwork.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Does your product contain any allergens?*
    Please select all that apply to your product:
    Do you have an ebook?*
    Is there a color or size variation?*
    i.e. care instructions, use instructions, etc.
    Do you have photography you would like us to use for your product?*
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.

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