To sell your items in the GROW Nebraska Buy Nebraska store, you must sign up as a Product member. Product members can get several retail benefits with GROW Nebraska, including the following:
There are many perks associated with our Product membership in particular. You can set up a table any day of the week at our Kearney retail store. You can offer samples or just talk about your product to potential customers. Customers want experiential shopping; they want to meet the artist, author, designer or manufacturer. Think about it like a farmer’s market or craft show but without the booth feel. It is a great opportunity to launch a new product, get feedback on a current product, and build your brand.
In the age of online shopping, stunning product photos are more important than ever. GROW Nebraska® can help you make your products shine with professional photography.
GROW Nebraska® members have opportunities to sell their products at our Kearney retail location on the Younes Campus, in pop-up stores, and at the Nebraska State Fair.
GROW Nebraska® works hard to help Nebraska businesses reach markets far beyond Nebraska’s and our nation’s borders.
Members are able to join our Mark It to Market UPC program. ($25/code with $5 annual renewal fee). GROW Nebraska® has a UPC Program to help GROW Members get on Amazon and work with large businesses. GROW Nebraska® works with a number of partners for wholesale opportunities.
With the help of our eCommerce site, our GROW Nebraska® members benefit from a strong web presence. Sell your products through our online platforms including, Amazon, Walmart, Etsy and eBay.
***These RETAIL benefits apply to Product Members ONLY.
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