The GROW Nebraska® board members give direction and insight to this statewide nonprofit training and marketing organization. Serving over 460 Nebraska small businesses, the organization provides marketing opportunities, education, and training to launch and connect Nebraska businesses to the global marketplace. GROW Nebraska’s® educational programs receive federal and state funding, along with generous support from foundations and individual donors
The GROW Nebraska® board members give direction and insight to this statewide nonprofit training and marketing organization. Serving over 400 Nebraska small businesses, the organization provides marketing opportunities, education, and training to launch and connect Nebraska businesses to the global marketplace. GROW Nebraska’s® educational programs receive federal and state funding, along with generous support from foundations and individual donors.
Lincoln, NE | Nebraska Trucking Association
Kearney, NE | Wilkins Architecture Design Planning LLC
Kearney, NE | Business Professional
Wisner, NE | Pinnacle Bank- Wisner
Holdrege, NE | Lost Way Brewery Co-Owner
Lincoln, NE | Nebraska Public Power District
Lincoln, NE | University Nebraska Foundation
Kearney, NE | Entrepreneur
Loup City, NE | Peterson Legal Services
Omaha, NE | Entrepreneur
Grand Island, NE | GIX Logistics, Inc.
Loup City, NE | USDA Rural Development
The GROW Nebraska® Women’s Business Center Advisory board members are committed to empowering women, minority, and veteran entrepreneurs to connect, grow, and prosper together. They ensure the Women’s Business Center is able to fulfill its mission to provide real-time resources, education, and training to Nebraska entrepreneurs.
GROW Nebraska® Foundation CEO
Executive Director, Nebraska Enterprise Fund
President, True Purpose Omaha
CEO, Stable Gray
CEO, Tyree Law LLC
Executive Director, Midlands African Chamber
Executive Director, APEX Accelerator
Community and Employee Involvement Manager, First National Bank of Omaha
One Stop Supervisor, Heartland Workforce Solutions
Market President for Nebraska and Southwest Iowa
Vice President of College & Career Readiness, Jesuit Academy and Urban League of NE
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