Nebraska Small Business Assistance Act

Please be advised that this process typically takes up to 120 days to complete. We appreciate your patience and understanding, as this involves thorough review and consideration.

Please do not pay anyone to do your business plan.  Nebraska has several free resources that can assist you.  Please find the list of resources below. 


Qualifying for Benefits

To be eligible to receive a grant through the Nebraska Small Business Assistance Act an applicant must meet these requirements per the Nebraska Legislature. The program will be open until March 2025 OR until grant dollars run out.

To qualify for benefits, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a for-profit business.
  • Be based in Nebraska.
  • Be 19 years of age.
  • The individual applicant must be authorized to work in the United States.
  • Applicant cannot have ownership of another business, which the department has defined as 51% or more ownership.

Applicants will need to meet the specific requirements for each benefit.

Please note, there is significant interest in this program and applications to the program are reviewed and processed in the order they are received. Please anticipate a delayed response as the applications are being reviewed. This pilot program has considerably more demand than funding, meaning many otherwise eligible applicants will not receive program benefits. Applications will be triaged based on the following criteria:

  • Nebraska resident 
  • Applicants with ITINs may be eligible as long as they are legally present and meet the definition of a Nebraska resident: 
  • Submitted application with all application materials present
  • “Shovel-ready” – (1) working with a resource provider, (2) have a business plan, and (3) complete application information
  • Underserved geography – preference will be given to ensure program benefits are distributed proportionally across the state

The initial review of applications will result in either assignment to a program representative at one of the partnered organizations to complete program processes, hold for future consideration, or declined.

Are You Working with a Resource Provider?

Before Applying

First, to apply for Program benefits the applicant’s business project must be shovel ready, meaning:

  • They are working with a resource provider.
  • They have a business plan with clear identification of targeted customer markets and revenue projections for three years with detail on projected one-year sales.

First, consider local resources like:

  • Your community’s economic development director.
  • Local bank.
  • A Certified Public Accountant
  • An experienced local businessperson.
  • Your regional Development District.

Second, consider these statewide resources:

These resources can help you review and fine-tune your business game plan including your targeted customer markets and projected revenues.

Untitled (300 × 150 px) (500 × 200 px)

Types of Assistance

  • Professional Development
  • Grants

Professional Development

Funding can be received to access professional services like business planning, website development, setting up financials, and a wide range of other professional services. These professional services can be provided by the Program’s Strategic Partners or can provide funding to access other for-profit and nonprofit professional services.


Grant assistance if available for qualified startups and existing small businesses. Though monetary assistance, eligible businesses may be eligible for:

  • New small business startups – up to a $25,000 grant.
  • For an existing business – up to $12,500 grant.

Types of Grants

  • New Business
  • Existing Business

New Business


The new business grant is for new businesses or businesses that are less than two years old.

You may qualify for a new business grant if you meet the following:

  • You are a for-profit business with a full-time equivalent of five or fewer employees.
  • You have Taxable Income for the previous tax year of $55,000 or less.
  • You have a Current Net Worth (CNW), excluding your primary residence of $200,000 or less.
  • You are willing to work with a recognized service provider

Existing Business


You may qualify for an existing business grant if you meet the following:

  • Your business is not five years old.  
  • Your business’s gross revenue has grown by no more than 25% in the recent calendar year.
  • You have a Current Net Worth (CNW), excluding your primary residence of $200,000 or less.
  • No more than 5 Full-Time Employees – not including the owner.

Keep in mind, meeting these requirements do not guarantee a grant will be awarded, but should be used as a basic guideline to determine if an applicant is eligible to receive a grant.

Apply Now!


Due to the volume of applications and the available funding the application has currently been suspended. If you have any questions, please contact Janell at

For Spanish language support, email


If you are a new business, we encourage you to ensure you are ready to grow your Nebraska business. View a comprehensive list compiled by the Nebraska Department of Economic Development:


Discover over 900 resources in Nebraska at the Discover SourceLink Nebraska: Support to Start or Grow Your Small Business

Contact Us

Whether you’re just starting out or are currently operating your business, GROW Nebraska® is ready to help. We’re here to listen and learn about your needs, so that we can provide resources tailored to your specific situation.
GROW Nebraska® is a nonprofit 501c3 providing training and education to Nebraska businesses.
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